Regular labour migration

According to a recent statistics, in total, an estimated half a million Vietnamese are working in over 40 countries. However, migrant workers are often at risk. In addition to language barriers and their uncertain legal statuses, work environments for unskilled workers are often hazardous. 

Migrant workers can be better protected by effectively enforcing human and labour rights and raising awareness about safe and regular migration pathways. Decent jobs for migrant workers can be supported through technical and vocational education and training  based on international standards, recognition of foreign professional qualifications and the proper closing of skills gaps. A development-oriented labour migration policy will benefit all stakeholders. This requires improved international cooperation to expand pathways for safe, orderly and regular migration. 



In the light of increasing mobility of goods and people in a global world, with some countries facing a surplus of workers while other countries are lacking sufficient workforce, the cooperation between Viet Nam and Germany is jointly advocating for orderly, safe and regular migration. In Viet Nam, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is implementing two country components on the topic of regular migration as part of two global Programmes of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The Programme “Partnership Approaches for Development-Oriented Vocational Training and Labour Migration” (PAM) uses a training and work approach on development-oriented migration between Viet Namand Germany. The global Programme´s country component in Viet Nam is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) and the Directorate of Vocational and Education Training (DVET). Activities are conducted in cooperation with LILAMA 2 International Technology College and private sector enterprises in Viet Nam and Germany. Fifty youth are trained at the LILAMA 2 College, according to German/international standards, to become metal cutting technicians. The technical and vocational training is complemented by a German language course, soft skills training and intercultural awareness raising. Upon graduation, students will receive a Vietnamese intermediate level diploma. Half of the graduates will be prepared for work or further training in Viet Nam. The other half will be supported for working in Germany. The migrating graduates will be supported to get their certification officially recognized in Germany and to work as skilled technicians. Furthermore, PAM establishes reciprocal learning, dialogue and networking formats between Viet Nam, other partner countries and Germany on the topic of vocational training and sustainable labour migration.

 The qualification and mobility scheme piloted within the framework of PAM

The Programme “Migration & Diaspora (PMD) / Field of action Regular Labour Migration and Mobility” (ReM) aims at improving information on regular and safe migration pathways for potential migrants in selected partner countries. Its country component in Viet Nam is implemented in partnership with the MoLISA and in close cooperation with the Department of Overseas Labour (DoLAB), Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs (DoLISA), Migrant Resource Centers, Employment Service Centers, and the Institute of Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA). PMD/ReM in Viet Nam focuses on:

(i) advising on regular labour migration policies,
(ii) offering capacity development to relevant Vietnamese stakeholders in the field of migration,
(iii) informing on regular migration pathways and the risks of irregular migration as well as disseminating up-to-date information concerning German immigration regulations (especially Skilled Immigration Act).