In 2020, the Vietnamese Government approved the Decision No. 749/QĐ-TTg on the National Programme of Digital Transformation until 2025, with a vision to 2030. In 2021, the Government issued the Decision No. 942/QD-TTg to approve the e-government development strategy towards the digital government services for the period of 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030. In both documents, the Vietnamese Government emphasizes on key principles, where digital platforms are considered as a breakthrough solution for digital transformation. 

In December 2021, the National Programme on Digital Transformation in TVET for 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030 has been approved by the Vietnamese Government. The Programme targets the development of open educational resources for TVET in Vietnam, so-called open education and training resources (OVETR) platform. This activity is also closely aligned with the objective of the Programme “Reform of TVET in Vietnam” during the project phase 2020-2024. 

On May 31, 2022, Workshop on the OVETR platform was organized in MS Teams with the participation of related representatives. GIZ supports the development of the OVETR platform as we foresee its potential contributions to provide access to education. The OVETR platform enables a wide centralization, storage, sharing, and reuse of digital teaching and learning materials in the TVET sector in Viet Nam. For example, the National Competition on Designing E-teaching Lessons organized by DVET in 2021, around 600 teaching lessons are available and can be uploaded on the OVETR platform. Similarly, GIZ supports TVET partner colleges for implementing training occupations according to German standards, and a lot of useful materials can be stored, shared and exploited on the OVETR platform by TVET institutions in Vietnam. Our statistics in 2021 shows that our 11 TVET partner colleges provide 191 training occupations in which common training occupations such as automotive technology, metal cutting are delivered in parallel. This can be a potential opportunity to share, reuse or collaborate to improve the quality of training contents of those common training occupations. 

OER is still a new concept in Vietnam. Not many organizations have developed OER platforms at either organizational or national scale. Therefore, we will be pioneers and it will be a learning journey. Ideas and advice collected at this workshop are appreciated, not only for DVET to scale up the OVETR to the national level but also for GIZ to keep on upgrading our piloted OVETR platform for 11 partner colleges and affiliated enterprises. 

The GIZ TVET Programme consistently pursues a multi-level approach in supporting TVET partners. We offer strategic and policy advice at a macro level, while key on capacity development for TVET personnel and practical development of specific digital solutions at the on-site level. In this line, the OVETR platform is a typical example.