Training Workshop on teaching and learning materials development for practical exercises of Mechatronics training programme in An Giang Vocational College 

Within the framework of the dissemination activities of the German standard-oriented training program in Mechatronics under the Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam- TVET/GIZ, GIZ’s Development Advisors (DAs), Simon Parthum and Mirco Rudolph organized a Training Workshop on “Teaching-learning materials (TLM) development for practical exercises” for Module 03, 04 & 05 of the Mechatronics training program according to German standard at An Giang Vocational College from 08.02.2023 to 10.02.2023. The workshop welcomed 18 teachers from 03 colleges: An Giang Vocational College, Long An College, Ninh Thuan Vocational College and 02 multipliers of the Mechatronics training program of Lilama 2 International Technology College.  

At the beginning of the workshop, Mr. Frank Schulze-CIM Integrated Expert, along with 2 multipliers-Mr. Kieu Tan Thoi and Mr. Tran Huu Phuoc of Lilama 2 International Technology College provided refresher training for teachers on instructive methodological approaches in the 3-layer workshop system, the theoretical instruction with exercises as well in the 4-step and 6-step methods, which help teachers understand deeper and master the methods before continuing to develop practical exercises for TLM.  

During the workshop, the teachers, multipliers, and experts together discussed in groups, shared experiences, and collaborated to develop sample practical exercises of the Mechatronics training program according to German standards based on methods they are trained. At the same time, the delegates also agreed on a plan to cooperate and deploy the remaining modules of the training program in 2023.  

Mr. Nguyen Minh Trung, representative of the participating teachers, said at the end of the workshop: “Thank you to the multipliers, CIM expert and DAs for the workshop organization. The training content is very useful for colleges to continue implementing the training program with best quality. We will continue to work together to ensure the completion of the teaching and learning materials.” 

The workshop was successful and through the process of training, discussing, and sharing experiences at this workshop, teachers of the Mechatronics training program of the partner colleges have been strengthened in their professional knowledge, and teaching skills to continue implementing the transferred program effectively.