Training  Workshop on “Criteria for High Quality Colleges and Self-Evaluation of High-Quality Colleges”

Within the framework of the Viet Nam-Germany Cooperation Programme “Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Viet Nam”, From 14-16/08/2023, the workshop on “Criteria for High Quality Colleges and Self-Evaluation of High Quality Colleges”” was conducted in Ho Chi Minh City for leaders and mid-level managers of 11 partner TVET colleges. The aim of the workshop was to strengthen the partner colleges’ capacity of using the Criteria for High Quality Colleges Circular 35/2021/TT-BLĐTBXH as a framework of reference for organisational development strategies. Participants of the workshop will understand the criteria and  use the provided guidelines to assess their colleges against the criteria and use the self-assessment results as input for their college’s development strategy towards high quality colleges.

During 3 days’ workshop, the participants were guided through the following topics:

  • Overview of training quality, training accreditation and TVET accreditation
  • Guidance on the process of evaluating and accrediting high-quality colleges
  •  Guidance on the requirements and process for writing a high-quality college self-assessment report
  • General guidance on self-assessment of High-Quality College Accreditation Criteria and Standards
  • Guidelines for self-assessment of Criteria 1: Scale of training
  • Guidelines for self-assessment of Criteria 2: Teacher qualifications
  • Guidelines for self-assessment of Criteria 3: Engage with businesses in training and employment after training
  • Guidelines for self-assessment of Criteria 4: School governance
  • Guidelines for self-assessment of Criteria 5: Qualifications of students after training
  • Guidelines to prepare for external accreditation of High quality TVET Institutes

About the workshop, Mr. Vu Quang Khue – Vice Rector of Bac Ninh College of Industry said: “The contents are fully delivered to the participants, in which the standards are discussed in detail and indicators are clarified. It can be said that this is not a meaningful training but also an opportunity to share and exchange the comprehensive school development strategies to meet the criteria of high-quality TVET colleges”. Ms. Ho Thi Chau – Head of Quality Assurance Department of Nha Trang College of Technology also shared: “The training course was organized appropriately and logically; the participants were thoroughly instructed on writing high-quality college self-assessment reports. I hope that TVET Programme will also strengthen digital transformation training in quality assurance in the coming time”.

This activity is carried out within the framework of the Component “Support of High Quality TVET Institutes”, under the Viet Nam-Germany Cooperation Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).