Training Workshop on Continuous Improvement Process (CIP)

The Workshop on Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) was conducted in Ninh Thuan Vocational College (NTVC) from 03.04.2023 to 06.04.2023 under the framework of the programme “Reform of TVET in Vietnam” (hereinafter referred to as the TVET Programme). The workshop marks one more step to establish a professional workshop management system in NTVC that will be implemented in the technical workshops of the college.

Besides achieving the goals of improving the quality and market orientation of technical vocational education, the necessity of improving and applying knowledge about guidelines and management systems in the workshop management are very necessary for teachers and management to understand their roles and responsibilities in the management of workshops, including safety and health.

In this training course, the participants used the tools provided by the trainers to develop a management system themselves; learned to define a clear hierarchy with an organigram and responsibilities of each position, and raised a better awareness on workplace safety, work structure and monitoring. The CIP procedures were carried out by the participants themselves in theory and practical exercises. During the training, the participants and trainers also discussed to provide constructive ideas to supplement the experience and knowledge that would be applied at the workshop for training purposes.

After these productive training days, the participants expanded their knowledge and skills in workshop management; increased their awareness of cleanliness and safety for students and environment; developped, implemented cleaning and maintenance plans and other 5S standards; discussed how to record and store documents, and implemented controlling and auditing mechanisms.

Mr. Phan Vinh An – Vice Rector of Ninh Thuan Vocational College – expressed “The NTVC teachers learn a lot of helpful knowlegde and apply it into building an organization chart for teacher’s responsibilities as well as creating cleaning and maintenance plans after this training.”