Training course on ‘Training management skills for in-company coordinators’ made digitally accessible

From 22 to 24 June 2022, the Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam (TVET Programme) and the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) successfully co-organised the online master trainer training on “Training management skills for in-company coordinators”. Participants of the training are 28 representatives from 11 TVET Programme’s supported colleges and their partner enterprises.

The management skills training programme for in-company coordinators was promulgated by DVET in July 2022, according to the Decision No. 766/QĐ-TCGDNN. To make the training programme’s material more accessible especially during the COVID-19 pandemic period,  the TVET programme has worked on digitalising it with presentations, videos, digital reading material, discussion exercises and tests during and at the end of the course.  The master trainer training aims to transfer these developed digital training programme and help learners 1) Use and operate digital training material on learning management systems (LMS); 2) Understand all the contents covered by Decision No. 766 and 3) Implement replication training in blended format which combines virtual and in-person training.

Mr. Dao Trong Do, Director of the Continuing Training Department, DVET said: “In the period of 2021-2025, we will promote training of in-company coordinators to engage enterprises in vocational education and training, allowing them to become the main pillar in training their own staff as well as in cooperation activities with TVET institutions. Therefore, the digitalisation of the training course is very important”.

Upon completing the training course, learners are expected to become master trainers who cooperate with DVET to implement the replication training throughout the country, helping more businesses in organising in-company coordinators training which meet the demand of VET development and enterprises’ human resource development.

“In-company coordinators play an essential role in further supporting capacity enhancement, identifying and coordinating appropriate training programs for enterprises’ staff, to meet the requirements of Industry Revolution 4.0 and digital transformation”, said Ms. Afsana Rezaie, Deputy Director, TVET Programme.

After the training course, based on the opinions and evaluation of learners, the training contents will be revised and improved to better match with practical requirements.