Training course on “E-learning studio and the development of digital teaching resources”

From June 27 to June 30, the Vietnamese-German Programme ‘Reform of TVET in Viet Nam’ successfully organized a training course on “E-learning studio and the process of developing digital teaching resources” at College of Technology II, Ho Chi Minh city. Participants of the training course were 35 digital transformation focal points from eleven Programme partner colleges.

Since 2020, within the digitalization component, the Programme has supported 11 partner colleges with equipment and softwares to set up e-learning studios. To help them optimize the supported resources and building capacity for core teachers, a training workshop on effectively operating and utilizing the equipment of the e-learning studios and the process of developing digital teaching resources was conducted. The training used practical training method and focusing on practical lessons with all the knowledge uploaded on the Learning Management Systems (LMS) platform.

“Although as a leader, I don’t have to do technical tasks, after the training course, I am confident that I can shoot videos, add sounds, produce a digital learning video. Together with the college’s team, we will make the most of the equipment system supported by GIZ, Dr. Le Van Luan – Vice Rector of Hue Industrial College shared. .”

The  four day training course equipped trainees with the necessary knowledge to master the production of digital teaching materials in the context of vocational education – from process and thinking methods to practical skills such as using equipment, software and acting in the studio. In the short time of the training course, the teachers collaborated quickly to develop scripts, produce SCORM/AICC/xAPI learning materials, and prepare PPTs using Camtasia software. In addition, participants used cameras, movie recorders, worked on studio equipment, and edited with software such as Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition.

Besides capacity building, GIZ’s objective is to build a community of key people of digital transformation, where teachers and experts of vocational colleges can connect closely, exchanges experiences to develop together.

Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, the trainer of the course, stated that all participants have been equipped with abilities to use digital equipment for the production of digital teaching materials, in which many of them got deep understanding and skills. “They are the most important resource that needs ultilizing in order to develop the connection and support within the community for upcoming digitalization activities.

Dr. Bui Van Hung – Rector of College of Technology II – the host college, emphasized: In the current context of vocational education, teachers who know new technologies, have skills, and understand trends will embrace technology in future learning. Especially given that the Vocational Education Development Strategy was approved by the Prime Minister, Dr. Hung believed that the knowledge related to digital teaching materials and occupation obtained from the training is the foundation for the teachers to continue develop, supporting colleges to enter a new phase of VET.