Capacity building for competent TVET personnel has been defined one of the priority breakthrough solution for advancing the quality of Vocational Education and Training by the government of Viet Nam. For a period of two years and a half during 2015-2017, a group of ten managers and teachers/trainers of selected partner TVET institutes of the Vietnamese-german “Programme reform of TVET in Viet Nam” were provided with a series of capacity building measures planned and organized by the GIZ Human Capacity Development (GIZ-HCD) facility. The measures focused on the topics of the participants’ professions of “TVET Teacher Training” and “School Management in TVET institutes” including training courses, seminars, on-line coaching and practice in the real context of work. As per the objective of the programme, upon completion of the training phase, the multipliers conducted their transfer workshops based on their individual and group transfer projects developed with support of German trainers. A total of 29 teachers/trainers and department managers were able to attend the transfer workshop with support of the bilateral “Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” and with valuable contribution of the partner TVET institutes.
The workshop on “TVET Teacher Training” was conducted at the College of Mechanics and Irrigation (VCMI) during November 23-24, 2017 focusing on “Action Methods in TVET Teacher Training”. At the workshop, participating teachers and trainers were introduced with different teaching methods such as Guiding Text andProject Method and practiced the application of these methods in their daily work situations.
In parallel, the workshop on “School Management” was conducted at and with contribution and support of the Ho Chi Minh City College of Technics and Technology 2 (HVCT). It provided participants with knowledge about different management tools to ensure effective performance of a TVET institute , among others performance feedback, development of job description and setting objectives as a career development tool.
In particular, in both of the above workshops, the “action method” was in group practices and discussions. This not only provided the participants with “new” training methods but also strengthened the training skills of the multipliers. “Although I practiced many times during the training period, the chance of actually standing in front of other colleagues who already have years of professional experiences, really helped enhance my skills and confidence because organizing the training for working professionals is different from giving lessons to young students”. Mr. Tran Thi Sim, Head of Foreign Languages Faculty, Hanoi College of High Technology, a multiplier of School Management, shared.
According to the participants’ feedback, both of the multiplication workshops were evaluated as very useful and successful. In particular, some feedback tools, such as “application of job description” as tools of effective School Management or the “Project Method” in the “Teacher Training” topic were considered as very valuable for the work of the participants. The high appreciation for the applicability of the practical tools was again confirmed at the final workshop organized in Hanoi on November 29th, 2017. During the workshop all multipliers expressed their confidence that they are able and will disseminate further the gained knowledge and skills to other TVET teachers/trainers and managers in the TVET system of Viet Nam.
The multipliers, confirmed their readiness to act as “change agent” within their own TVET institutes, and thereby contribute to enhancing the competentce of TVET personnel in Viet Nam.
Capacity building for competent TVET personnel has been defined one of the priority breakthrough solution for advancing the quality of Vocational Education and Training by the government of Viet Nam. For a period of two years and a half during 2015-2017, a group of ten managers and teachers/trainers of selected partner TVET institutes of the Vietnamese-German “Programme reform of TVET in Viet Nam” were provided with a series of capacity building measures planned and organized by the GIZ Human Capacity Development (GIZ-HCD) facility. The measures focused on the topics of the participants’ professions of “TVET Teacher Training” and “School Management in TVET institutes” including training courses, seminars, on-line coaching and practice in the real context of work. As per the objective of the programme, upon completion of the training phase, the multipliers conducted their transfer workshops based on their individual and group transfer projects developed with support of German trainers. A total of 29 teachers/trainers and department managers were able to attend the transfer workshop with support of the bilateral “Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” and with valuable contribution of the partner TVET institutes.
The workshop on “TVET Teacher Training” was conducted at the College of Mechanics and Irrigation (VCMI) during November 23-24, 2017 focusing on “Action Methods in TVET Teacher Training”. At the workshop, participating teachers and trainers were introduced with different teaching methods such as Guiding Text and Project Method and practiced the application of these methods in their daily work situations.
In parallel, the workshop on “School Management” was conducted at and with contribution and support of the Ho Chi Minh City College of Technics and Technology 2 (HVCT). It provided participants with knowledge about different management tools to ensure effective performance of a TVET institute, among others performance feedback, development of job description and setting objectives as a career development tool.
In particular, in both of the above workshops, the “action method” was applied in group practices and discussions. This not only provided the participants with “new” training methods but also strengthened the training skills of the multipliers. “Although I practiced many times during the training period, the chance of actually standing in front of other colleagues who already have years of professional experiences, really helped enhance my skills and confidence because organizing the training for working professionals is different from giving lessons to young students”. Mr. Tran Thi Sim, Head of Foreign Languages Faculty, Hanoi College of High Technology, a multiplier of School Management, shared.
According to the participants’ feedback, both of the multiplication workshops were evaluated as very useful and successful. In particular, some feedback tools, such as “application of job description” as tools of effective School Management or the “Project Method” in the “Teacher Training” topic were considered as very valuable for the work of the participants. The high appreciation for the applicability of the practical tools were again confirmed at the final workshop organized in Hanoi on November 29th, 2017. During the workshop all multipliers expressed their confidence that they are able and will disseminate further the gained knowledge and skills to other TVET teachers/trainers and managers in the TVET system of Viet Nam.
The multipliers, confirmed their readiness to act as “change agent” within their own TVET institutes, and thereby contribute to enhancing the competence of TVET personnel in Viet Nam.