The Final Exam Part 1 of the Mechatronics occupation was organised at An Giang Vocational College 

The Final Exam Part 1(AP1) of Mechatronics occupation was organised from 30/10/2023 to 09/11/2023 at An Giang Vocational College for 20 students of the first pilot class. The exam took place with the support and supervision of the integrated expert – Mr. Frank Schulze and Mr. Simon Parthum – Development Advisor from Programme “Reform of TVET in Vietnam” (TVET/GIZ), together with Examiners who are teachers and representatives from partner enterprises of An Giang Vocational College.  

Mr. Simon Parthum – Development Advisor commented: “Thanks to the conscientious and careful planning and preparation of the examiners, the examination was carried out in high compliance with German standards. This completes a large and important step in the implementation of the training program. Since this is the first time for AGVC to carry out such an exam under German standard I am more than happy with the result. The next challenge is to ensure the high level of quality for the coming years.”.  

Ms. Boi Tran, one of the students, stated after the exam: “Through the AP1 exam, I felt a bit anxious and pressured, but besides that, the teachers also provided a lot of support, adequate facilities to support practical session, the organisation of the exam with the participation of examiners helped me realise that I still have shortcomings that I need to adequate. The theory exam also helped me realise that I need to supplement the knowledge I have not yet mastered.” 

After this final exam part 1, students were able to determine their competencies and skills in mechatronics and will have a thorough preparation for the final exam part 2. Examiners and teachers also deepen their expertise and built up their teaching capacity through this experience.  

This activity was organized within the component “Supporting High-Quality TVET Institutes” as part of the Vietnamese – German Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The programme is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).