Technical Workshop on “Skills Council Mechanism – Key determinations for successes and sustainability” in Hanoi 

Following up the development partners meeting on “Multi-Stakeholder Engagement in TVET and Skills Developments through the Skills Council Model”, on 30 November 2022 in Hanoi, TVET Programme and Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET-MOLISA) successfully co-organized the technical workshop on “Skills Council Mechanism – Key determinations for successes and sustainability”. The workshop is under the collaboration framework in 2022 between DVET and TVET Programme with the purpose to identify and exchange on the key determinants for success and sustainability of SSC at each level and a roadmap for the establishment of a suitable skills council model for Vietnam. The workshop gathered approximately 70 participants both on-site and online. The participants are from DVET, relevant government agencies, international developing partners such as ILO, Aus4Skills, EU, UNICEF, World Bank, different embassies, enterprises, VCCI, business associations, TVET institutes and experts working on related topics. 

After the keynote from Mr. Nguyen Chi Truong, Director of Skills Development Department on strategic approach on Skills Councils from government, a panel discussion was held with the guest speakers from DVET, GIZ, ILO, Aus4Skills, Logistics Industry Reference Council, and the College of Machinery and Irrigation. The panelists shared practical experience, lesson learnt and recommendations for Viet Nam from different perspectives.  

Within the framework of the workshop, there were also fruitful group discussions on key determinants to success and sustainability with regards to governance structure and accountability, stakeholder engagement, mobilizing resources and funding. 

Before the workshop closed, Mr. Nguyen Chi Truong represented for DVET shared their proposal on follow up activities and roadmap for the establishment of Skills Council in Vietnam. The workshop participants had a lively discussion on a suitable Skills Council model for Viet Nam and next steps should be taken first to ensure the success and feasibility of the model. 

Based on recommendations and suggestions of participants, TVET Programme and Directorate of Vocational Education and Training will consolidate all recommendations and suggestions and consider reviewing plan and roadmap for establishment of SSCs in Viet Nam. 

The establishment of Skill Councils on different levels is one key solution to enhance cooperation mechanisms among all stakeholders and especially business sector engagement in TVET. This multi-stakeholder cooperation mechanism will act as a bridge between all stakeholders and address skills gaps to ensure better matching between skills demand and supply. Based on the analysis of the international experience, as well as lesson learnt from different piloted council mechanisms in the context of Viet Nam, the TVET Programme highly advises on a harmonized approach to ensure the sustainable dissemination and institutionalization of the Skills Council model in Viet Nam.