Safety training was delivered in time for VCMI teachers before the commencement of the new semester

Globally, the safety-first rules are widely applied and obeyed in the industry. It is also undeniable that, especially for the occupation “Electronics for Energy and Building Technology “, work safety plays a more important role since the profession station is inclined to be in factories or construction fields. Therefore, on 20th, 28th and 29th July 2022, a training on Work Safety has been organised at the College of Machinery and Irrigation (VCMI) to equip the teachers in the occupation with this essential knowledge. The training was co-conducted by Mr Alexander Husenbeth and Mr Simon Parthum – Development Advisors of GIZ at VCMI and Long An College.

The 3 days of training were segmented into Electrical Safety, Work Safety and First Aid.

The first part was dedicated to refresh the teachers’ expertise on electrical safety such as RCD (Residual Current Device), Emergency Stop, plugs and sockets safety. Teachers learnt not only the theory how humans can be protected against the danger of electricity, but they also worked practically with the PROFITEST, which is used according to German standards to test the safety of electrical systems.

The remaining two days provided more practical and hands-on trainings concentrating on the directives of hand tools (jigsaw, angle grinder and drill machines) as well as First Aid content, such as medical care for cuts and scrapes, mechanism to stop bleeding or wound and amputation treatments.

Ms Truong Thi Hoa – one of the participants, shared her thoughts on the course: “Overall, I am so pleased with the training, it was very well-prepared, captivating and highly visualized. The course helped me to realize and use some hand tools safely and appropriately. First Aid part was also very informative and useful. I had the chance to learn and practice the quickest and most effective methods to treat injuries and accidents which may emerge in our workshops”.

The Work Safety course marked the closing of the training series in July at VCMI. Over the month, thanks to the support of the VCMI’s management and the teachers’ full commitment, five trainings have been conducted for the teachers in the faculty of Electrical- Electronics. Further actions and activities are about to be followed up and monitored in coming weeks to ensure a fruitful and sustainable outcome.

The training was held within the component “Supporting High-Quality Institutes for Green TVET” as part of the Vietnamese – German Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The programme is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).