Review Workshop and Technical Exchange at An Giang Vocational College 

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in collaboration with An Giang Vocational College (AGVC) organized the review workshop and technical exchange at the college on 9th February, 2023. 

The workshop welcomed representatives of An Giang Vocational College, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hai – Rector and the focal points of components cooperated with GIZ and the representative of GIZ, Ms. Pham Viet Ha – Team leader of Component “Support high-quality colleges”.   

The workshop focused on discussing the implementation of the German-standard oriented training program in Mechatronics, short-term training courses for workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, activities related to digital transformation, communication, girls’ scholarships, greening vocational training, business cooperation, inclusion with marginalized groups, solutions to ensure the training quality, and the goal of becoming high-quality TVET institute. 

At the workshop, participants gave many useful recommendations to improve training quality and proposed cooperated activities in the future. All participants agreed that training quality improvement would provide learners more opportunities in finding jobs and increasing their income. 

Along with future cooperation discussion, participants also shared more experiences learned from activities that have been implemented in the past and solutions for arising problems. This is an important step to improve the training and cooperation quality between two sides in the future. 

In summary, the workshop was successful and achieved the desired objectives. Representatives of AGVC and GIZ jointly built a cooperation model to help improve the training quality and strengthen cooperation between the two sides.