The first graduated pilot class marked a successful cooperation between LILAMA 2 and Schaeffler Viet Nam

With the support under the framework of the Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” (TVET Programme), from the end of 2020, the International Technology College LILAMA 2 (LILAMA 2) cooperated with Schaeffler Viet Nam Co., Ltd to implement the German standard oriented Cooperative Training programme for Metal Cutting occupation. In the morning of December 19, 2022, the graduation ceremony of 18 students from K13 class, who were selected to participate in the training programme, took place with the participation of representatives from Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (DoLISA), Dong Nai province; the Management Board of Schaeffler Viet Nam, LILAMA 2’s Rector Board, officers and experts from the TVET Programme – GIZ, and all other relevant staff, trainers, teachers.

Mr Tham Nguyen Khoa – Plant Manager of Schaeffler Viet Nam, gave his opening speech, proudly regarded Schaeffler Viet Nam to become a success in applying the German standard oriented cooperative training concept to train high-quality human resource. During the last two years, with the connection from GIZ, Schaeffler Viet Nam actively cooperated with LILAMA 2 in implementing the cooperative training programme for the Metal Cutting occupation, from the preparation phase such as selection of students, development of training programme with the college, to the implementation phase at the company and finally the evaluation phase which is conducted according to German standards.  

Student Nguyen Chi Cuong, the representative of Metal Cutting K13 class, shared his thoughts on behalf of the class: “We have received a lot of benefits from the cooperative training concept, which are not only knowledge and technical skills, but also career opportunities and future development orientation. After we graduate, we will come back to Schaeffler Viet Nam with a new role, and we are ready to contribute for the company’s long-term development.”

At the end of the ceremony, Mr Nguyen Xuan Thang, the General Director of Schaeffler Viet Nam, confirmed that the company will continue to work closely with LILAMA 2 to train more classes of students, as well as share and multiply this concept in the future.

This activity was supported by the Programme “Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Viet Nam”- on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Vietnamese Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET).