Launching event of ILO Career Guidance Package and Mobile Phone Application named “ILO-Huong nghiep” aims to improve the access of more young people to the career guidance package in order to make right career choice

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has officially launched the Career Guidance Package and Mobile Phone Application for Vietnamese students aged 14-19 last Friday, 4 Oct 2020.

To narrow the gap between traditional training and the rapid changes of technology in the context of I.R 4.0, a mobile phone application is created based on the Career Guidance Package which was introduced online last week for ages 14 to 19 developed by the ILO from Garner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences to help students to discover their own interests, aptitude, and potentials. Also, the students will understand the world of work to prepare for the career path development as well as find a suitable direction after high school. This tool also help to gather opinions, engage the parents and save their time in this crucial process. However, this tool is best used with the career guidance teachers to provide the most suitable choices for students in their conditions. In the next development phases, the application will be improved with new features and updated contents, so we look forward to receiving valuable feedback from users.

The launching event was initiated by an attractive opening remarks of Ms. Valentina Barcucci, Labour Economist of ILO/CO-Hanoi. She mentioned the Lenin’s famous note of “Study, Study and Study Again” about 100 years ago which has been used by generations not only in the Russian Federation but also in Viet Nam, in order to motivate people to study in any situation, and the importance of career guidance for youth to choose a suitable education pathway as well as a career path. Then, representatives of the Embassy, ILO, and partners touched the virtual button on the screen to launch the career guidance tools and signed the Minute on disseminating ILO career guidance package and mobile phone application, so that other organizations could use, develop and customize the career guidance tools for their activities implementation.

Following, an in-depth technical discussion on experiences in implementing career guidance package in provinces and upcoming planned activities was carried out by all participants. Particularly, one representative from MOVI company shared the enterprise gradually pay attention to Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR), and care more about their workers and career guidance for workers’ children which was the reason why they would like to join the launching event.

The mobile phone application of The Career Guidance Package was carried out within the framework of the “Applying the G20 Training Strategy in Viet Nam: A partnership of the ILO and the Russian Federation (Phase 2)”.

* The mobile phone application is now available in Apple Store and going to be available in Google Store in upcoming days.