Kick-off Meeting on Establishment of Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for Mechatronics at An Giang Vocational College (AGVC)

In order to enhance the cooperation efficiency between the college and partner enterprises in implementing the German-standard oriented training programme in Mechatronics, on May 27th, 2022, the Kick-off Meeting on Establishment of Two-level Industry Advisory Board (strategic management level and implementation level) for Mechatronics was organized at An Giang Vocational College (AGVC). The workshop welcomed the delegates from Programme “Reform of TVET in Vietnam”- GIZ and 09 partner enterprises in the field of Mechatronics including ANGIMEX-An Giang Import-Export Company, Loc Troi Argicultural Products JSC., An Giang Centrifugal Concrete JSC., Chi Cong JSC., Agimexpharm Pharmaceutical Factory, Sao Mai Solar Trading Limited Liability Company, An Giang Mechanical JSC., Southern Can Tho Green Energy Company Ltd., and An Giang Ethnic Boarding Intermediate Vocational School.  

In the meeting, the college’s representative presented their current cooperation with enterprises and the benefits of parties involved, the two-level model of IAB and its institution. The strategic IAB (including leaders of partner enterprises, Head of core teaching group, leaders of AGVC and representative of DOLISA) will discuss and agree on the annual implementation plan of cooperation activities, allocate resources for implementation, monitor and evaluate the implementational efficiency. The implementational IAB (including in-company trainers and coordinators, mechatronics core teachers) directly implement activities such as developing teaching and learning materials, adjusting the training curriculum, implementing in-company training, etc. and reporting the implementation results to the strategic IAB and leaders of the college and enterprises.  

The delegates and the college proactively discussed modules which can be trained in company, knowledge, skills on labor safety for students, and coordination mechanism between teachers and in-company trainers. All delegates, after the discussion, found this kind of cooperation with enterprises during the training process practical and beneficial to all parties. “In fact, our company gained real advantages when accepting mechatronics students from AGVC to do internship recently. We are going to open a new factory. Once new production line is established, we would like to work with the college to promptly implement the training for Module 9 Establishment, installation, and operation mechatronics system.”, said Mr. Nguyen Phuoc Duy, Technical Director of Agimexpharm Pharmaceutical Factory. In the welcome speech, Dr. Le Viet Phuong – Vice Rector of AGVC stated: “AGVC wants to cooperate and understand the demand of enterprises in the mechatronics area to develop and adjust our training programme and teaching materials which are going to be relevant and realistic to the practical requirements and working environment of each enterprise”. 

An Giang Vocational College is supported by the Vietnamese-German Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” in becoming a high-quality TVET institute. The Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in cooperation with the Vietnamese Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) under the Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA). The programme aims to better align TVET to the changing world of work which will be increasingly digital and green.