Information workshop on German-Vietnamese cooperation projects on migration and possibilities and requirements for skilled migration from Viet Nam to Germany

“Labour migration can have a positive impact for the migrants as well as for the countries of origin and destination if it is well organised. German development policy is designed to shape labour migration in such a way that it is orderly, safe, regular, and responsible and that a Triple Win effect is reached”, stated Ms Helene Paust, Development Counsellor of the German Embassy in Ha Noi.

To provide comprehensive information about German-Vietnamese cooperation projects on migration and possibilities and requirements for skilled migration from Vietnam to Germany, a virtual information workshop was jointly organised by the Department of Overseas Labour (DoLAB) of Vietnam’s Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Programme Migration & Diaspora on 29th July 2021. The Workshop drove the attraction of about 140 participants including Vietnamese governmental agencies, German embassy and institutions, the business sectors, technical and vocational education and training institutes and development partners.

The workshop offered an overview of German-Vietnamese cooperation projects on migration, one of which is the Programme Migration & Diaspora (PMD), sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ. The programme supports its Vietnamese partners to improve their advisory for those interested in migration by providing updated information and training on regular and safe migration, especially in the context of the German “Skilled Immigration Act”, which has come into effect since March 2020 and created enhanced opportunities for non-EU nationals to migrate to Germany safely and regularly for employment and training.

The workshop was informative with lively discussion among participants, particularly on in-demand occupations, criteria and procedures for training and selection to migrate to Germany. Thanks to these, participants got to know more about German labour market’s needs, the legal framework for skilled migration to Germany, recognition process of foreign qualifications, visa application procedure and tools for searching information and advising potential migrants.

“Thanks GIZ – Programme Migration and Diaspora for drawing a connection between German partners and Vietnamese partners to join in this successful workshop regardless of the pandemic challenges. The big number of speakers from different German organisations and from German-Vietnamese cooperation projects on migration created a comprehensive and informative workshop to fulfill the demand for updated information from all Vietnamese and international participants.”, shared Mr. Dang Si Dung, Vice Director of DOLAB in his closing remarks.