Hue Industrial College developed Teaching and Learning Material for Mechatronics occupation

Since 2021, the multipliers of the LILAMA 2 International Technology College (LILAMA 2) have been implementing activities to disseminate the Mechatronics training programme oriented to German standard for four Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutes in the system. In 2023, the disseminated colleges have plan to finalise the teaching and learning materials (TLM) and organise the Final examination part 1 (AP1) for the first batch of students with the consultation of LILAMA 2 multipliers.

From April 18th to 20th, 2023, at Hue Industrial College (Hue IC), two LILAMA 2 multipliers, Mr Kieu Tan Thoi and Mr Tran Huu Phuoc worked with the Hue IC Mechatronics teachers with the objectives: To introduce how to compile and develop TLM practical teaching method according to LILAMA 2’s experience, as well as sharing and advising on finalising the content of Module 01, Module 02 and the plan to develop Module 10. Groups of teachers have jointly developed TLM with 3 various methods as: Practical training by 4-step method, 6-step method, and building theoretical lessons for the practical part.

Basically, Hue IC teachers have fully compiled theoretical contents. The LILAMA 2 multipliers guided and advised the college to build the practical content suitable for available equipment and have completed about 50%. By June 2023, all practical parts of MD01 and MD02 will be completed.

Furthermore, the multipliers also had the opportunity to visit Hue IC’s facilities and consulted in preparation for the AP1 including theory and practical parts.

The activity was held within the component “Supporting High-Quality TVET Institutes” as part of the Vietnamese – German Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The programme is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).