Girls in technical trades – There is nothing that can hold women back

Girls in technical trades – There is nothing that can hold women back

“Don’t hesitate to pursue your interest in technical occupations. As long as you try your best, you can even do better than men”, Be Thi Hang shared with nearly 100 ethnic minority high school female students at the Girl’s Day on 8 July, 2020 at Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation (VCMI), Dong Nai. Shortly after graduating from VCMI’s Metal Cutting-CNC department, Hang landed a technician job in Kaifa Vietnam company with a stable income. Her story somehow dispelled the concerns of many female students interested in technical trades, which are typically perceived as more appropriate for men.

“I used to think that Mechanics, Electronics and such technical occupations are only for men. But now I realise that women can do it too, with carefulness, patience and other strengths”, a participant shared. Under the instruction of VCMI teachers and trainees, for the first time those female students could try their hands at technical tools and practical machines. This helped them understand more about career prospects as well as VCMI’s training environment and programmes, especially the two new occupations based on German standards: “Electronic for energy and building technology” and “Mechanic for sanitary, heating and climate technology”. Applying the cooperative training approach, the programmes were developed based on the needs of Vietnamese businesses. Students will learn basic theoretical knowledge at VCMI and practice skills in assembly shops, manufacturing departments or construction works of enterprises following training methods in workplace. Therefore, graduates are ready to enter the real world of work.

“As Vietnam advances towards a green and sustainable economy, the demand for green skills and green occupations is increasing. These two new occupations aim to meet the requirement of the local labour market and particularly the ‘green industry’ that Dong Nam province aims at. Therefore, there are many good job opportunities suitable to both male and female graduates”, said Dr Nguyen Van Chuong, VCMI Rector. Besides free tuition fee, girls enrolling in the occupations have the opportunity to receive scholarships from the Vietnamese-German Programe that worth 24 million for 3 years of training.

Universities and colleges’ enrolment season is coming, senior students will soon have to make up their mind on what and where to study. Young people, especially girls, shouldn’t limit themselves with typical occupations but be open to career choices. There is nothing that can hold women back and opportunities are always there if you have high skills and passions.