Further Training on Home Energy & Hydropower Production Training Systems at NTVC 

The further training course “Fundamentals of Home Energy and Hydropower Production Training Systems” was conducted from March 06 – 10 at Ninh Thuan Vocational College (NTVC), a leading competence centre providing vocational training on renewable energies for Viet Nam. The 40-hour training course conducted by an international trainer team of FESTO DIDACTIC SE provided 20 vocational teachers of NTVC and eight partner TVET colleges with the required competencies to multiply the newly gained knowledge and skills to regular trainees of the initial training programmes. 

The 20 training participants, of which 04 were women, learned the technological concepts of home energy and hydropower generation. In home energy production, the key concept of a grid-tied inverter was discussed extensively between concept and real-life home applications. In hydropower generation, the concept of generating power for an established grid (live bus) or a stand-alone (dead bus) and the concept of control systems such as speed and voltage were examined in detail. This will determine the performance of hydropower generation in the future.  

Ms Pham Thi Soa – electronic teacher from Ninh Thuan Vocational College, expressed that the training contents seemed to be complex and difficult at the beginning of the course, but the teachers were all trying to follow and learn from FESTO experts to gain an understanding of the basic principles of generating electricity from a hydropower station. Ms Soa added later that they all will apply these theories in groups of teachers to get hands-on experience. Mr Truong Thanh Inh – electronic teacher from LILAMA 2 International Technology College said “I am excited to explore more about these topics and apply them in my daily vocational teaching after the course. I learned about the parameters of the generator and how to connect them to the grid”.  

The further training was implemented in the frame of the Development Partnership (DPP) Vocational Training Center for Renewable Energies – Wind and Solar Technology. The DPP is implemented jointly by the cooperation partners Vietnam Industries Building Services JSC, Festo Didactic SE, Schneider Electric Vietnam, Ninh Thuan Vocational College, and the Programme “Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Vietnam” and supported by the programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Vietnamese Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET).