Final examination part 1 for mechatronics trainees at Ninh Thuan Vocational College 

From 23.10.2023 to 31.10.2023, the final examination part 1 for mechatronics training programme was successfully organized at Ninh Thuan Vocational College (NTVC) for 12 students who started the training programme in 2021. This examination is an important milestone for students to test their knowledge and skills obtained and to prepare for the upcoming final examination part 2, which will mark the successful end of the trainees professional education journey. It was the first examination conducted according to the German exam standards.  

The trainees of mechatronics occupation were assessed for their ability to consolidate the knowledge and skills obtained during the training at NTVC. In the theoretical part of the examination, students were tested on their professional knowledge in the areas of work safety, technical drawings such as electrical wiring diagrams, as well as areas of mechanics, electricity, electronics, and pneumatics. The diverse practical part required students to apply their learned skills such as measuring, disassembling, manufacturing of mechanical parts, assembling of electric-pneumatic circuits, as well as electrical wiring and PLC programming. During those practical parts, students had to undergo a series of questions raised by the examiners to demonstrate their professional knowledge about the station and technical backgrounds.  

Partner companies already participated in the development of the mechatronics training programmed and as well in the assessment of trainees during this final examination. The examination committee included both teachers of NTVC and in-company trainers from partner companies. All 12 students passed the exam with positive results: 33.34% are rated “Good”, 50% are rated Medium Good “, and 16.67% are rated “Average”.    

Mr. Mirco Rudolph – Development Advisor from GIZ at NTVC: “This examination according to German standards was conducted at Ninh Thuan Vocational College for the first time and I want to congratulate the college for the very successful implementation. In just a short amount of time, the teachers and examiners were able to organize and conduct this new style of examination with high quality”. Mirco Rudolph also pointed out that it is important to keep up the quality, for example by further intensifying the cooperation with companies and partner colleges.   

This activity was held within the component “Supporting High-Quality TVET Institutes” as part of the Vietnamese – German “Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The programme is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).