Establishment of Industry Advosory Board (IAB) for Metal Cutting at Bac Ninh College of Indsutry (BCI)

On August 6th, 2021, the Kickoff Meeting on the Establishment of Industry Advisory Board for Metal Cutting was organized at Bac Ninh College of Industry (BCI) with the participation of representatives from Bac Ninh Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs; GIZ’s leader and experts; and representatives of 13 partner enterprises in the field of metal cutting including Symkos Co.,Ltd, Sanwa Vietnam Co., Ltd, ABB Vietnam Co.,Ltd, Thuan Phong Co., Ltd, Inotech Co., Ltd, Fujikin Vietnam Co., Ltd – Bac Ninh Factory, TAD Mechanical JSC, Hung Thinh Mechanics Production Co., Ltd, Khuong Duy Mechanics Co., Ltd, HB Tech Vina Co., Ltd, Vilook Tech Co.,Ltd, Mold Teck Co.,Ltd. The meeting was organized in a hybrid format with both online and offline presence of participants.

Meeting on establishment of IAB for Metal Cutting at BCI was organized in a hybrid format with both online and offline presence of participants.

In the meeting, the representatives from BCI introduced the two-level model of IAB, of(management level and implementation levels), the German standard oriented modular training programme of Metal Cutting, and the implementation plan for the first piloted programme at BCI with clearly defined stages of in-company training for each module. This cooperative training programme, has been developed based on enterprises’ demand and German training standards, and successfully piloted by International Technology College (LILAMA 2) with support from GIZ Vietnam. The training programme has been also integrated the requirements of digital transformation, greening TVET, gender equality and inclusion into both the contents and implementation methods. The mentioned training programme is going to be implemented at BCI from the school year 2021-2022 and female students will be granted scholarships.

In the roundtable discussion, delegates actively contributed many articulate recommendations and inputs on the establishment of the practical training matrix at companies, the required skills and attitude BCI students should be equipped with before being dispatched to enterprises for in-company training, as well as needed support to female students. Ms. Doan Thi Ngan – who is responsible for training and recruitment in ABB Vietnam Co., Ltd. affirmed: “It is necessary to create favorable conditions for female students to participate in this training programme because companies also are looking for female technicians to ensure the gender balance in the workforce at their factories”.

Delegates in in the round table discussion session

The 13 partner enterprises also contributed many valuable ideas about the quality management of practical training phases and capacity development for in-company trainers. “The in-company training at the enterprises should be designed with a detailed lesson plan for each lesson in each module, accommodating both requirements of learning content and skills development  by the college and technical tasks assigned by enterprises. We value pedagogical training courses for in-company trainers and are ready to send our technical staff to participate.”, Mr. Nguyen Sy Tung – Deputy General Director of Symkos Co., Ltd. commented.

The meeting was concluded with agreement on the official implementation plan of German-standard oriented Metal Cutting training programme starting from the school year 2021-2022; the approval of participant lists for IBA management and implementation levels for Metal Cutting; as well as agreement on the operation plan of IAB in the coming time.

The establishment of IAB for Metal Cutting at BCI marks an important milestone of efforts to ensure the effective, in-depth, and close cooperation between BCI and its partner enterprises in the implementation of Metal Cutting training program at college level according to German standards at the college.