EP1 Examination for students of Mechatronics occupation oriented German Standard of Long An College. 

From October 16 to 22, 2023, EP1 Examination for Mechatronics occupation was successfully organised for 18 students of K21 training course at Long An College (LAC). This examination is a crucial step for students to test their knowledge and skills obtained and prepare for the upcoming EP2 Examination. The implementation of the exam has also been considered as equivalent to the German exam regulations.  

18 students of Mechatronics occupation were assessed for their ability to consolidate the knowledge and skills obtained during the training at LAC. Partner companies already participated in the development of training programmed and assessment of trainees during the EP1 Examination as well. The examination committees include both LAC’s teachers and in-company trainers from partner companies. All 18 students passed the exam with positive results: 5.56% are rated Good, 50% are rated Average Good, 38.89% are rated Average and only 5.56% are rated Weak.   

Mr. Nguyen Huu Tinh – Director Assistant of Tu Phuong BOPP Factory – a member of the examination committees, assessed “I am honored to join the examiners team of Long An College in the EP1 exam. The College has prepared very well the content of questions for each topic, breaking down each sub-topic in detail so that students can prepare better for their exams. The equipment and tools for the exam are very modern and not too far from the actual machinery and equipment available in current businesses.”. 

Mr. Simon Parthum – Development Worker of GIZ said: “During the observation I was able to identify a few opportunities for further improvement that we already discussed and we will work on in the future, but I am more than satisfied with the entire process. Since it is the first time that LAC has conducted an exam using the German oriented procedures, they have completed a great and important step in the implementation of the training program.” 

This activity was held within the component “Supporting High-Quality TVET Institutes” as part of the Vietnamese – German “Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The programme is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).