Disseminated training on Preparation and Implementation of the German Standard examinations for Metal Cutting and Mechatronics teachers

As one of the important goals in the series of activities to support the dissemination of the German standard-oriented training programmes in Mechatronics and Metal Cutting occupations, in December 2022, the Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” (TVET Programme) cooperated with LILAMA 2 International College of Technology (LILAMA 2) to organize two parallel training courses on “Preparation and implementation of the German Standard examinations” for Metal Cutting and Mechatronics teachers.

From 19th to 23rd December 2022, Metal Cutting core teachers from Bac Ninh College of Industry and Vietnam – Germany Technical College of Ha Tinh were coached by two multipliers (Mr. Nguyen Hong Tien and Mr. Le Tuyen Giao) about the preparation, implementation, and assessment process for the final exam part 1 (AP1) including both theory and practical parts.

Mr. Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dean of Mechanics Faculty, Ha Tinh college emphasised: “This training course helps us better understand the exam process including all the documents and assessment forms. Moreover, all of us also had the opportunity to be consulted to complete the content of the AP1 exam. Ha Tinh and Bac Ninh Colleges are ready for the German standard examination part 1 in 2023!”

During this time, an 11-day-training course (from 19th to 30th December 2022) for Mechatronics core teachers from Ninh Thuan Vocational College, Long An College, An Giang Vocational College, and Hue Industrial College were also conducted under the facilitation of two multipliers, Mr. Kieu Tan Thoi and Mr. Phan Hong Phuong. At this training course, LILAMA 2’s multipliers aim to focus on providing practical guidance for other teachers in designing, assembling, installing, and operating a sample workstation including control cabinet and the actuator system for the German standard final exam.

“I have been equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform a final exam according to German standards, especially the practical part. The workload for preparation for an exam is very heavy, it requires support from teacher as well as students. I believe that my college will make efforts to implement and complete this exam well.” Mr. Tran Van Linh, head of Mechatronics department, Ninh Thuan Vocational College shared: “On behalf of the participating teachers, we are so grateful for the support of LILAMA 2 and GIZ for organizing this training course and supporting each of our colleges with a set of sample equipment to serve the needs of the exam process in next year.”

These training courses were held within the component “Supporting High-Quality TVET Institutes”, supported by the Programme “Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Viet Nam”- on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Vietnamese Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET).