Get connected – Get inspired – A networking event for TVET female trainees

Mechanics, Metal Cutting, Mechatronics, Electrics – Electronic…, despite being labeled “for men only” frequently, these occupations are being chosen by more and more girls who are passionate about science, technology, and automation. Pursuing technical occupations is an uneasy journey with many barriers for any girls: “Can girls even study these occupations?”, “It is unsafe to study in an all-boy environment”, “Will companies hire you girls after graduating when they can hire male trainees who are much stronger?”, “Boys will not find you attractive if you study such technical occupations”… Such comments all stem from a heavy gender stereotype that exists in family, school and society assuming “girls should just choose light and high-paying jobs”. However, many girls are still determined to overcome prejudices and pursue their passion.

On 17 December 2022, a networking seminar called “Get connected, get inspired” was held in Ho Chi Minh City with the participation of 40 TVET female trainees from 4 partner colleges in the southern region of the Programme ‘Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” (College of Technology II, College of Machinery and Irrigation, LILAMA 2 International College of Technology and An Giang Vocational College). Through networking activities and group discussions, the trainees learned more about gender equality in vocational training and employment, exchanged experiences, difficulties, and challenges during their study as well as listened to the sharing of alumni and business representatives to better understand work life and career prospects.

True to the theme “Get connected, get inspired”, the seminar opens a space for girls to connect and share, thereby inspiring and encouraging others to pursue their passion. The establishment of this network will improve employment opportunities for female trainees in technical fields as well as provide resources to eliminate invisible yet real barriers to young girls entering technical occupations. The network also aims to amplify the voice of women and children in education and employment, particularly in technical occupations, thereby contributing to a diverse and inclusive learning and work environment.

With technical support from ECUE, the activity was carried out by the Programme ‘Reform of TVET in Viet Nam’ – on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Vietnamese Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET). The Programme aims to make TVET in Viet Nam better aligned to the changing world of work which is increasingly green, digital and inclusive. Since 2018, more than 100 girls across the country have received scholarships from the Programme when enrolling in German standards-oriented training programmes.