Better prepare before migration – Intensive transcultural training for PAM trainees  

Continuing training regarding intensive transcultural knowledge before migrating to Germany has been deployed for PAM trainees from May 20-21, 2023

In cooperation between Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)/ the Programme on “Partnership Approaches for Development-oriented Vocational Training and Labour Migration” (PAM in Viet Nam), the second transcultural training for 21 abroad-track PAM trainees was implemented with core themes focusing on specific cultural knowledge of Germany at the workplace from May 20-21, 2023, in Vung Tau City. 

The two-day training focuses on navigating working environment in Germany, cultural perception and communication competence in the context of integration for trainees respectively. 

 Within the first day, working environment in Germany was illustrated with from the very basic activities, ranging from different forms of greetings in the concept of globalization to a more technical one, such as labour law, salary and tax, employee representation and protection in Germany. Thus, trainees achieve a comparative understanding of their obligations and legal rights when working in such a European country.  

Explaining the cultural perception within the 2nd day training, PAM trainees were encouraged to share their ideas regarding various life situations, peoples and make judgments about other behaviors. They thereby understand their natural tendency of jumping to premature conclusions, well- perceive the necessity to adapt perspectives, awareness of local socio- political phenomena and discourses when confronting different value systems. 

In each topic, group discussion and physical activities were well-integrated to receive more interactions and raise eagerness to learn deeper in culture, as it will establish “learning by practicing” habit for trainees. Sharing after the training, Mr. Ho Nhut Khanh- a PAM trainee conveyed his interest in interaction activities within the session. Via each activity, Khanh “develops the problem-solving skills that can be applied properly in each situation.” Besides, he “gets various viewpoints about people and life, hence, understands himself and others better.”  Regarding the desire to get more inputs of German working environment, PAM trainee Ms. Vu Hoai Thuong expects “to be trained further in working culture of German enterprises”, how to communicate properly with colleagues so that she could be rapidly integrated with the new environment when migrating. 

This is the second training course for PAM trainees among a series of transcultural events to provide comprehensive information about German culture before migration.