Annual Review and Technical Exchange Workshop 2023 with 11 Partner colleges  

Within the framework of the Vietnam-Germany Cooperation, from May 09-11, 2023, Programme “Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training” (TVET-GIZ), in cooperation with Bac Ninh College of Industry, organized the “Annual Review and Technical Exchange Workshop 2023”. The participants of the workshop include 25 leaders of 11 partner colleges of TVET-GIZ, senior specialists on cooperation with business sector, digital transformation, PR and quality assurance in TVET. This is an annual activity by TVET-GIZ in cooperation with 11 partner colleges. The purposes of the workshop are as follow: 

  • Review the process and results of activities implementation between TVET-GIZ and 11 partner colleges under the perspective of 11 partner colleges.  
  • Sharing of experiences on 5 hot topics in school development with the aims of increasing efficiency and impacts of activities implementation  
  • Discussion and recommendations for on-site problems/challenges 

Besides result assessment of activities in 2022 and identification of key activities in 2023 between TVET-GIZ and partner colleges, participants spent most of their time on discussion of 05 hot topics. Leaders of 11 partner colleges of TVET-GIZ were surveyed to choose the most “relevant” topics to evaluate, discuss and exchange, including:  

  • Cooperation with the Business Sector,  
  • Quality Assurance,  
  • Attracting more students for TVET & Inclusion,  
  • Digital Transformation in Implementation 
  • Attracting and retaining qualified personnel at colleges.  

Each panel discussion started with presentations to share experiences, best practices of “real battle” at each college, following up with deep discussion, focusing on current situation, challenges and realistic solutions for each thematic topic. Leaders and focal points of each panel discussion prepared presentations and facilitated their own panel discussion. Senior specialists and GIZ specialists added objective and professional perspectives. Through the process of intensive and open discussion, participants practiced self-evaluation and suggested solutions to improve the current situation at their own TVET institute, and also agreed upon activities to optimize human resources and implementation effectiveness.  

During the last day of the workshop, participants visited and worked with Goertek Vietnam – in cooperation with Bac Ninh College of Industry with “1+1+1” cooperative training model, to learn more about the In-company Training Center at Goertek and cooperative training model. With the “1+1+1” cooperative training model, students at college level of industrial electronics and automotive technology occupation will learn general subjects, basic subjects and occupation orientation at the college in the first year. In the second year, the students will learn both theoretical and practical modules at In-company Training Center. In the third year, the students will complete advanced modules and production skills at Goertek’s factory. End-of-module examinations and final examinations will be organized according to the occupational standards of each occupation.  

Talking about the workshop, Mr. Nguyen Duc Luu – Rector of Bac Ninh College of Industry shared: “This year’s workshop is “for the colleges and by the colleges”. The workshop mobilized the spirit of mastering in change management, sharing ways of doing things, sharing of human resources, cooperation in mutual development towards criteria of high quality TVET institutes in the TVET system”. In conjunction with the workshop, 11 partner colleges formed mutual panel discussion group to continue to discuss, exchange and coordinate. 

The Programme “Reform of TVET in Vietnam” is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Vietnamese Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) under the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA). The programme aims to better align TVET to the changing world of work which will be increasingly digital and green.