Annual exchange workshop on Digital Transformation for VCMI’s management and teaching staff

To form and promote digital culture environment in TVET institutes, on July 31, 2023, the Annual exchange workshop on Digital Transformation (DX) took place successfully with the enthusiastic participation of all management and teaching staff from the College of Machinery and Irrigation (VCMI) and Digital Ambassador of the College of Technology II (HVCT) – Moritz Grassl.

The workshop created an interactive forum for the board of rectors, management and teaching staff to share, present, and update on DX activities that have been taking place within the VCMI, as well as future plans. Key presentations include:

  1. Implementation plan of Digital Management Platform (Smart TMS function) at VCMI,
  2. Self-paced learning course on “Digital Transformation in TVET in Viet Nam”,
  3. Piloting Digital Literacy Module at Faculty of Information Technology (IT).

Regarding the plan to implement the Digital Management Platform (DMP), Mr. Pham Ngoc Tuyen – Head of Training Department – shared that in early July 2023, the further training course on the operation of Smart TMS function were organized at VCMI for more than 40 core management and teaching staff. After 05 days of training, the IT firm providing technological solutions also worked with VCMI’s DX Taskforce and agreed on the adjustment requirements to suit the actual needs of the college. From there, the two sides will take the next steps such as additional training for teachers and staff, testing the platform at one functional Department/Faculty, etc.

For the self-paced learning course on “Digital Transformation in TVET in Vietnam”, Mr. Tuyen also introduced that this is an 8-lesson course developed by the Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” – GIZ, with a total duration of 186 minutes. Completing the course, learners will be equipped basic knowledge about DX in TVET, approaching methods and models, principles of promoting the implementation of DX in the TVET system generally, and in TVET institutes particularly, including the roles and responsibilities of each individual when participating in DX process.

These insights will serve as a basis for learners to continue to learn more deeply and participate in DX activities more effectively. Upon completion of the course, learners will be issued a Certificate of Completion.

In regard to the piloting of Digital Literacy module, Mr. Pham The Phong – Dean of IT Faculty – said that: “According to regulations, after more than 3 years of implementation, the Informatics subject must be updated with its content. Therefore, it is necessary to update the content of this subject in the direction of adjusting and supplementing the digital content and knowledge for students.” It is expected that the pilot content of the Digital Literacy module at IT Faculty will include 05 chapters, with a total time of training, practice, and examination of 75 hours.