Workshop “Handling the film equipment of the LILAMA 2 media studio”

From April 19 to April 22, 2021, 15 teachers and staff of 10 faculties and departments of LILAMA 2 International Technology College (LILAMA 2) were trained on how to install and use the recently acquired technical equipment to achieve the best efficiency of the current media studio that has been gradually set up to deal with the urge of e-learning under the pandemic crisis.

LILAMA 2 teachers already have some experience in creating digital teaching materials. However, the training to professionally create high quality videos with the new state-to-the-art equipment gave a further boost to all LILAMA 2 faculties towards the desired and necessary digital transformation.

The workshop was divided into two specialized sessions. The training part for e-learning officers included how to manage and operate the media studio, set up the sound and light source for video shooting. Meanwhile, the part for e-learning teachers consisted of how to design a presentation template for filming, rephase teaching contents and choose the environment for video shooting. Moreover, teachers were trained on gestures, postures, voice tones, speech tempos, as well as how to signal when reshooting needed. Both groups were instructed to edit the recorded audio and video with Adobe Audition and Adobe Premiere and created their own sample video during the workshop.

Thereafter, the faculties’ key teachers proved their newly acquired skills and to create appealing videos for online learning. After two months, a refresher course is going to be conducted in which the video products LILAMA 2 will be evaluated and the quality will be continuously improved.

Ms. Pham Thi Bay, a teacher of the faculty of Mechatronics – Information Technology – Telecommunication, shared her thoughts about the workshop: “We are glad to be able to use the media studio room to produce our teaching materials. The workshop enabled us to be proactive in the filming production procedure rather than waiting passively for technical support.”

This activity was held within the component “Supporting High-Quality TVET Institutes” as part of the Vietnamese-German “Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The programme is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).