Excursion visit of EuroCham’s member companies at LILAMA 2

On January 19, 2024, 20 representatives who are members of EuroCham Viet Nam had an excusrion visit to LILAMA 2 International Technology College (LILAMA 2). The objectives of the visit were (1) to understand the cooperative training concept based on German standards at LILAMA 2, (2) make a tour to get an overview about the facilities and witness the implementation of training at LILAMA 2, and (3) to enhance cooperation between LILAMA 2 and businesses.

The participants, representing businesses, associations, and Commerce Sections from the European embassies, were provided with the opportunity to visit the modern teaching facilities and equipment of LILAMA 2 College. After the presentations presented by the Rector of LILAMA 2 and GIZ representative, participants gained a deeper understanding of the cooperative training concept and the functions of LILAMA 2 as a Center of Excellent (CoE) for the TVET System. This involves providing high-quality German standard oriented initial training and delivering specialized training for workforce of companies.

Representatives from EuroCham members’ companies were also impressed by the scale of the training facilities and the internationally standardized equipment at the college. They also expressed their interest in establishing collaborative relationships with LILAMA 2, particularly in activities aimed at enhancing the skills of the workforce to gain a competitive edge in production and business.

Mr. Mai Quốc Quân from Schueco Vietnam shared: “Following this excursion, Schueco Vietnam will explore discussions with member units and partners to plan collaboration with LILAMA 2 in evaluating and enhancing skills for current workers and consider selecting future students to get a high-quality workforce to develop the business.”

Ms. Đặng Thanh Vân from the Austrian Embassy – Commercial Section emphasized, “We recognized the significant potential for collaborative development in the vocational training sector between LILAMA 2 and the business community, not only to the Vietnamese and German markets but also to other developed countries. Austrian businesses have expressed interest in cooperation in vocational training in Vietnam, and LILAMA 2 will be frequently mentioned by us.”

The event was held within the component “Supporting High-Quality TVET Institutes” as part of the Vietnamese- German Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The programme is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET).