Workshop on the Development of Criteria and Standards of a Digital TVET Institution

Based on the request of the General Directorate of Vocational Training (DVET), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German) collaborated with senior experts to advise and support the development of the Draft of Criteria and standards of a Digital TVET institution in TVET. The Draft is the legacy of results and accumulation of experiences in the progress of accompanying and supporting digital transformation (DX) for TVET partners in Viet Nam since 2020. 

The Draft is developed on the basis of research on the status quo, methodology and the model of DX ecosystem in TVET. It is based on relevant domestic documents and regulations and consults international models and experiences. In addition to the literature survey, the research team of GIZ organized interviews and group discussions to collect comments and feedback directly from 06 partner TVET colleges. GIZ collaborated with DVET to implement online surveys and received feedback from 217 organizations, including DVET, the Department of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs, TVET colleges and intermediate schools. Based on the above process, the Draft is developed with 06 criteria, 30 standards, indicators, and suggested assessment evidence for each standard. 

The above research results are the premise for GIZ to continue supporting and collaborating with DVET in organizing the workshop “The development of Criteria and Standards of a Digital TVET institution” in the two days 17 – 18/10/2023 in Vinh Phuc. The workshop was attended by the representatives of Government Office, leaders of DVET and leaders from Departments/Offices, Rector boards of TVET colleges and intermediate schools from 11 cities/provinces, GIZ officers and senior experts. The workshop truly created a forum for in-depth discussion on the purpose, meaning, development viewpoints, position, characteristics and roles of the criteria and standards of a digital TVET institution in the current situation of DX in TVET. In addition of general issues, the workshop spent one day for delegates to review and comment on each criterion, standard, indicator, and suggested evidence under the main coordination of Dr. Pham Vu Quoc Binh, Deputy General Director of DVET and two senior experts: Prof. Ho Tu Bao and Dr. Nguyen Nhat Quang. 

During the workshop, Dr. Pham Vu Quoc Binh stated that “The Criteria and Standards of a digital TVET institution play a crucial role in the progress of promoting DX in the TVET system. This workshop is an opportunity for enhancing a sense of responsibility, candid and opened discussion with the aim of ensuring that the Criteria and Standards are completed scientifically, practically, feasibly, and appropriately with the current situation and legal regulations. The Criteria and Standards will be the orientation for all TVET institutions to promote DX”. 

It is expected that at the end of October 2023, the Taskforce of developing the standards for a digital TVET institution under Decision No. 211/QD-TCGDNN of DVET can continue meetings to finalize the content of the Draft of Criteria and Standards based on comments and feedback from the workshop. After completing the updated Draft, DVET will request rector boards of colleges participating in the workshop to discuss and self-review criteria and standards at their organizations to detect and adjust the Draft’s content to be more in line with reality. This will be the basis for the Taskforce to continue studying and consolidating feedback from micro level to finalize this important document.