Capacity building activities on Digital Transformation at Ninh Thuan Vocational College (NTVC)

Within the framework of the Digital Transformation Capacity Building Program, the Workshop “Information Technology Infrastructure for Digital Information and Design Thinking on Moodle Application” was held at Ninh Thuan Vocational College from 15-17/3/2023. The workshop was the opportunity for the core teachers at NTVC to approach the “Training of Trainers” (ToT) model, develop their capacity to design student-centered training content, using Moodle – LMS as their digital e-learning transformation tool.

With the support of GIZ and core teachers from Bac Ninh Industrial College, An Giang Vocational College, Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation, Nha Trang College of Technology, College of Technology II, the workshop created a forum for nearly 50 participants including managers and teachers to exchange their experiences, lessons learned in the community of GIZ’s partner colleges about Moodle’s features, different forms of e- learning, how to create learning materials on Moodle, structure of integrated lesson plan, necessary skills to create videos for teaching, institutions and regulations relating to e-learning, etc. The workshop was the combination of presentation with discussion, teamwork that encouraged participants to actively participate in real-life problem-solving interactions, helped teachers improve their capacity and be more motivated to use the Moodle application to design flexible, effective courses.

At the end of the workshop, the Rector – Mr. Nguyen Phan Anh Quoc delivered a motivating speech to highly appreciate GIZ for the idea of organizing the workshop. He said, “The workshop is successful beyond our expectations because it attracted the active and enthusiastic participation of teachers participating in 04 groups to build their lesson contents in the most effective way. Besides, the workshop is a combination of many helpful contents, creating strong motivation for teachers of the college in using online teaching applications. In addition, the workshop is also an opportunity for the leaders of NTVC to review their management and make appropriate adjustments during the digital transformation journey of the college.

In order to continuously improve kills as well as motivate teachers to use digital platforms for teaching, 05 on-site training sessions on Moodle skills were organized for each group of teachers of different knowledge and skills after the Design Thinking Workshop. These training sessions focused on specific instructions on Moodle basic skills (for unskilled teachers, organized in 03 sessions from April to June 2023) to advanced skills (organized in 02 sessions in July 2023) for more than 20 teachers on the following topics: designing lesson plan/course structure; developing the content and figuring the course requirements; enrolling students in the course; creating test content in the form of multiple choice, drag and drop, filling in the blanks, true or false answers …..,

In the very limited conditions of time, skills as well as human resources to support the video recording for teaching, teachers can use the features of different applications such as Power point, Screenpal, Prezi by themselves. …to develop their own lesson contents, create videos of their lectures based on available materials designed on Powerpoint, Prezi that absolutely helps teachers save a lot of time, make their lectures more dynamic, more qualified and especially increase the interaction between teachers and students.

In addition, to help teachers have more reference resources for their self-study and improve more skills, the GIZ Digital Ambassador at NTVC  also built a sample course (demo) on LMS platform with very clearly instructions of all steps, created links to cutting-edge, free apps with the aim of ensuring that no teachers will be  is left behind on the journey of accessing digital skills.

NTVC leaders and teachers highly appreciated the capacity building activities after the Design Thinking Workshop designed and supported by GIZ due to its contribution to awareness raising, motivation creating in applying digital skills and to the success of digital transformation journey.