Outdoor Activities on Soft Skills and German culture for PAM trainees 

“This is a very wonderful event with fruitful activities that we can acquire much knowledge on culture and practice German directly.”- an enthusiastic share from PAM trainees after attending the Outdoor activities organized by “Partnership Approaches for Development-oriented Vocational Training and Labour Migration” (PAM) Programme in Vietnam. 

From March 04- 05, 2023, PAM Programme in Vietnam organized Outdoor activities on Soft skills and German Culture for PAM trainees in Dong Nai province. The event aims to promote trainees’ essential soft skills as preparations for future working and living in Germany, including teamwork, time- management, problem-solving, presentation and interpersonal skills.  

The event had the participation of nearly 40 trainees and GIZ Development Advisors so that trainees would have more interaction opportunities to experience and communicate with the German. The event focused on 3 main topics: Traditional holidays in Viet Nam and Germany, Self- introduction at workplace and Environment protection in Germany. In each session, knowledge shared by German Development advisors and interactions activities with trainees were harmoniously integrated. Noticeably, most of activities were conducted in German, hence, consolidate trainees’ understanding and practicing in German cultures, environment regulations and self- introduction criteria. 

Sharing after the event, Mr. Frank Schulze, CIM- IF from LILAMA 2 stated that trainees were “very committed” in the event; however, need further efforts and supports to improve their language skills proficiently via more interaction activities by German. 

Most of PAM trainees felt really interested in the event, where they were able to “learn effectively without pressure”. For some trainees, they said that the event was “a steppingstone to prepare for the upcoming transcultural activities” and really “look forward to having more similar events.”