Industry Advisory Boards meeting 2022 at LILAMA 2

On December 16, 2022, the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting for the two groups of occupations Mechanics and Electrics – Electronics took place at the International Technology College LILAMA 2 (LILAMA 2), Dong Nai Province. Managers, Human resources, and in-company training of 13 partner companies, Rector board and teachers of LILAMA 2, GIZ’s experts and staff attended the meeting.

During the meeting, representatives from partner companies gave feedback about the German standard oriented Cooperative Training programmes that having been implemented for the four occupations Mechatronics, Industrial Electronics, Metal Cutting and Construction Mechanics at LILAMA 2. Mr Dinh Truong Viet, Vice General Director of ISHISEI Viet Nam, shared his positive thoughts about the cooperative training concept after five years of implementation with LILAMA 2: “Some students of the German standard oriented Cooperative Training classes who were employed at the company after graduation have now become our key staff. This brought great value to the company as they are professionally trained and highly committed to the company long-term strategic goals.”

With the facilitation of the IAB’s Chairman – Dr. Le Quang Trung, Vice Rector of LILAMA 2, IAB’s members actively engaged in discussion to give feedback on the cooperative training plan, selected training modules of four occupations were agreed by partner companies. Moreover, business representatives also shared practical opinions about the needs and expectations of cooperation to improve the efficiency of the upcoming IAB activities.

Mr Tran Van Khanh, Vice Director of QH Plus Industrial JSC, shared his feedback: “It is important to create a network of companies in the operation of IAB. The members need to frequently communicate and exchange information to improve cooperation, in order to maximize IAB’s effectiveness.”

The meeting was closed with the admission of additional members from 9 new companies to the two Advisory Councils at LILAMA 2. The list of new advisory councils was agreed by all members.

This activity was held within the component “Supporting High-Quality TVET Institutes”, supported by the Programme “Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Viet Nam”- on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Vietnamese Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET).