Examiner Training on German-standard final examination for teachers and company representatives at VCMI

The examiner training on German-standard final examination for teachers and company representative was conducted at the College of Machinery and Irrigation (VCMI) from November 8 to November 16, 2022.

Mr Dirk Kittel – an expert from Erfurt Chamber of Craft (HWK), Germany – was the trainer of the course with the participation of 13 teachers from the Mechanics and Electrics – Electronics Faculty of VCMI, together with 04 representatives from partner companies Hoa Binh Construction Group and Hai Gia Ltd.

During the training course, participants had the chance to get to know the exam process and system, guidelines for examiners, rules and regulations on theoretical and practical exam parts, as well as the marking method and a simulation of a real exam according to German standards. In addition, guidance on the organization of a German-standard final exam, for example establishment and organization of exam board, preparation, implementation and assessment were shared by the expert.

Participants also practiced in a role of examiners and students in a German-standard exam with Mr Dirk Kittel’s observation. The activity to design a 6-hour trial exam was carried out during the training course.

Mr. Dirk Kittel expressed: “This course aimed to provide participants with an overview of a German-standard final exam while making a comparison between exams in Germany and Vietnam. Based on that, participants could also gain experience to organize similar exams in Vietnam.”

Mr. Nguyen Huu Thanh, MEP Team leader from Hoa Binh Construction Group, shared his thoughts: “This course helped me to understand how to organize a German-standard German exam, which is very strict in preparation, implementation and assessment phases, as well as the requirements on equipment and infrastructure. What really impressed me was how examiners set out a problem and students have to find solutions.”

At the end, participants received certificates from HWK Erfurt to certify that they have been qualified to become examiners in the future German-standard exams. This exam will be organized for students of the first pilot classes of the two occupations at VCMI: “Mechanics Technician for Sanitary, Heating and Climate Technology” and “Electronics Technician for Energy and Building Technology” in 2023.

This training course was held within the component “Supporting High-Quality TVET Institutes” as part of the Vietnamese-German “Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The programme is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).