Capacity survey and technical training on using equipment effectively in teaching at Vietnamese – German Technical College of Ha Tinh 

Within the cooperation framework between Programme “Reform of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Viet Nam” – GIZ and Vietnamese – German Technical College of Ha Tinh, Mr. Alwin Matthias Angert – Development Advisor for Automotive Technology and Mr. Alexander Husenbeth – Development Advisor for Electronics, Energy and Building Technology collaborated in conducting capacity survey of Electrics – Electronics Department and led a training workshop on effective usage of tools and equipment for Automotive Technology teachers at the college from 31 October to 4 November 2022. 

Development Advisors inspected the practical workshops to assess the availability and usage effectiveness of technical tools and equipment, personal protective equipment supported by GIZ. They also gave recommendations on how to operate the workshops effectively and implement German standard oriented training. 

After that, Mr. Alexander conducted a preliminary survey of the teacher’s capacity, and the current state of training facilities at the Electrics – Electronics workshops. Teachers and Mr. Alexander actively checked and discussed with the aim of achieving results as well as feedback on how to improve the situation of the Electrics – Electronics Department. This is the essential preparation for cooperation with other partner colleges to launch a new training occupation at Vietnamese – German Technical College of Ha Tinh as per expectation. 

Besides, Mr. Matthias continues to conduct intensive training sessions with teachers on Automotive Technology equipment such as the FAS 740 BOSCH, manual oscilloscope, coolant system service and power scan device. GIZ Development Advisor explained more useful functions and instructed teachers to practice with available simulators and cars at the workshops. Teachers are always reminded about necessary safety instructions during the training processes. This is the second training session in the series organized to support further training for automotive technology teachers at Vietnamese – German Technical College of Ha Tinh. 

In addition, this activity is a good opportunity for both the Automotive Technology Department and Electrics – Electronics Department to thoroughly discuss the cooperation in training activity. Development Advisors pointed out the topics, difficulties, and challenges that both Departments need to cooperate and exchange information regularly. By doing this, students and teachers of both Departments can expand their professional knowledge. 

Speaking at the Evaluation Meeting, Mr. Cao Thanh Le – Rector of Vietnamese – German Technical College of Ha Tinh shared: “This activity is very practical and necessary for the College. It gave us a more objective and comprehensive overview; it shows where we are and what we need to improve in the coming time. For teacher’s capacity, we hope that GIZ will organize more training sessions, so that all teachers can learn more from the Development Advisors”. 

After the survey and training, all the teachers gave positive feedback about the contents and outcomes.  

Vietnamese – German Technical College of Ha Tinh is supported by the Vietnamese-German Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” in developing into a high-quality TVET institute. The Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in cooperation with the Vietnamese Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) under the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA). The programme aims to better align TVET to the changing world of work which will be increasingly digital and green.