Further training on advanced “Learning Management System (LMS) for core teachers at the College of Machinery and Irrigation (VCMI)

To foster a holistic approach to digital transformation (DX) for TVET colleges in Viet Nam, GIZ supports teachers’ capacity developments on e-learning as a fundamental part of online education and a blueprint for future learning.

Since 2020, GIZ TVET Colleges have been supported with information technology infrastructure to enable online learning and teaching activities. As part of the timely support for colleges to keep up with digital transformation requirements in education, TVET Colleges received assistance in developing their Moodle-based Learning Management System (LMS) to increase online training activities. To equip college teachers with the skills to navigate effectively through the LMS and its features, GIZ organized the first onsite training for core teachers of the VCMI on 27 and 28 August 2022 as subsequent training of the advanced LMS training for all TVET College Multipliers.

During the practical two-day training course, the trainer Mr Nguyen Ngoc Vu, involved participants through hands-on activities and lively discussions. “Participants were involved in developing an advanced Moodle course. They worked with a course that they had created themselves beforehand. In this way, every participant had a final product submitted for evaluation at the end of the second training day.” 

Next to understanding LMS basics, participants gathered insights into Moodle analytics, various course assessment and decoration methods. In addition, the training program covered basic HTML coding, the utilization of Awesome fonts, and Articulate Storyline 3. “My favorite activity is learning about the Articulate Storyline 3. With this software, I will be able to create interactive content for my e-lessons in the future.” – Mr Ngo Hong Nam – teacher of Electric-Electrical Faculty shared.

Now, the VCMI is equipped with a state-of-the-art Moodle LCMS to support the digital transformation program in teaching and with teachers who can fully make use of the platform’s benefits.