Technical training on using equipment effectively in teaching automotive technology at Vietnamese-German Technical College of Ha Tinh

Within the cooperation framework between Programme “Reform of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Viet Nam”-GIZ and Vietnamese – German Technical College of Ha Tinh, Mr. Alwin Matthias Angert, Development Advisor for Automotive Technology of the Programme conducted a  training workshop on basic understanding of Auto Electric Handbrake System, efficient usage of machinery and equipment, and further training on workshop management for Automotive Technology teachers of the college  from 3 August to 5 August, 2022.

In the practical training sessions, Mr. Alwin Matthias Angert exchanged and imparted knowledge on Auto Electric Handbrake System. In addition, the Development Advisor instructed teachers to research more on the functions and practice on the FAS 740 BOSCH diagnostic equipment on the current engine simulators and cars at the workshop. The Development Advisor also shared and explained more how to use other machineries, equipment, tools such as leakage testing equipment, front wheel bearing removal kit to ensure appropriate utilization of the equipment for teaching purposes. Mr. Matthias Angert discussed with teachers about the workshop management and assigned them some topics to research on and to improve the workshop’s conditions. He also emphasized the necessary safety instructions during the training processes. Mr. Matthias Angert said “In the automotive technology sector, practicing with modern equipment is essential. Teachers need to practice regularly with existing machines and equipment to improve their knowledge and skills, and consequently provide students with better practical training.”

Simultaneously, teachers and GIZ’s Development Advisor actively discussed to provide constructive ideas to supplement the experience and knowledge that will be integrated into the training materials in accordance with the existing automotive technology facilities at the college. This is the first training session in a series organised to support further training for automotive technology teachers at Vietnamese – German Technical College of Ha Tinh.

Speaking at the Evaluation Meeting, Mr. Cao Thanh Le – Rector of Ha Tinh College emphasised “This training is very practical and necessary for the College’s Automotive Technology teachers. We hope that GIZ will organise more training sessions so that all teachers have the opportunity to work with the Development Advisor to improve their teaching capacity”.

After the training, all the teachers gave positive feedback about the contents and outcomes of the training.

Vietnamese – German Technical College of Ha Tinh is supported by the Vietnamese-German Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” in developing into a high-quality TVET institute. The Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in cooperation with the Vietnamese Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) under the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA). The programme aims to better align TVET to the changing world of work which will be increasingly digital and green.