Stakeholder workshop under the Programme Partnership Approaches for Development-oriented Vocational Training and Labour Migration (PAM) in Vietnam  

‘The Programme Partnership Approaches for Development-oriented Vocational Training and Labour Migration (PAM) in Vietnam has shown a great cooperation between German and Vietnamese governments in the field of labour migration combined with vocational training. PAM’s approach  is new and creates benefits for all stakeholders. Especially, PAM gets partners’ involvement including enterprises in Germany and Vietnam. Thanks to that, it will contribute remarkably to the strong support to PAM’s graduates to be able enter officially in labour markets of these two countries’ stated Mr Pham Vu Quoc Binh, Deputy Director General of Directorate Vocational Education and training (DVET)/ Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA)  

On the 17th of June 2022, in HCMC, DVET in collaboration with The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) held a PAM’s stakeholder workshop. The workshop attracted the participants from DVET (Formal Training Department, DVET’ Office) Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in HCMC, Ho Chi Minh City Mechanical and Electrical Enterprise Association (Hamee), Ishisei Viet Nam Co. LTD in Vietnam, Lilama 2 and GIZ. By detailed presentation on PAM’s activities and its achieved milestones, the workshop focused on in-depth discussion about additional and tentative activities, new topics and ideas and the roles of each partner and agreed on planned activities in 2022-2023. This helped to strengthen partners’ common understanding and agreement with targets and next steps carried out in PAM’s implementation.  

Expressing the expectation to PAM, Mr Pham Vu Quoc Binh, Deputy Director of DVET/MOLISA shared ‘the model of PAM hopes to be thriving and extendable in Viet Nam to other occupations and colleges in the future’.