On-site survey of the implementation of the German-standard oriented training program in mechatronics at An Giang Vocational College  

Mr. Simon Parthum, Development Advisor of GIZ, visited and conducted the on-site survey on the implementation of the German-standard oriented training program in mechatronics at An Giang Vocational College (AGVC) on 2nd and 3rd June, 2022.  

In the two working days, the college reported the implementation progress of the training program and the learning status of the pilot class in mechatronics with orientation of German standards, the compilation progress of teaching and learning materials (TLM) and updated the results of business cooperation activities to implement the in-company training.  The college and development advisor also observed a training session of the pilot class, visited the workshops, the warehouses of supplies and the library used in teaching mechatronics occupation.  

In the survey, the college has also raised their difficulties and challenges that they have encountered in the process of implementing the training program so that development advisor can support in providing advice and recommendations that are relevant and specific to the reality of the college.   

An Giang Vocational College has actively coordinated with experts to complete the on-site survey. This activity is within the framework of Programme “Reform of TVET in Vietnam”.