Kick-off Meeting on Establishment of Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for Mechatronics at Ninh Thuan Vocational College (NTVC)

In order to enhance the efficiency of cooperation between the college and partner enterprises in implementing the German standard oriented training programme for mechatronics, on February 18th, 2022, the Kickoff Meeting on Establishment of Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for Mechatronics was organized at Ninh Thuan Vocational College (NTVC) with the participation of representatives from Ninh Thuan Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; Programme “Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Vietnam”-GIZ and 06 partner enterprises in the field of Mechatronics including Thong Thuan JSC, Vietnam Food JSC, Vina Nha Trang Mechanical JSC, Anh Phat JSC, Hong Phu – Kabin Fish Sauce JSC, Otanics Technology JSC and Minh Phu Seafood Corporation.

In the welcome speech, Mr. Nguyen Phan Anh Quoc- the Rector of NTVC stated: “It is a must and prerequisite to involve business sector in training as graduates from college is the labor force of the enterprises. Therefore, no matter how good the training is, if it does not meet the requirements of the enterprise, it still will not be of required quality”.

During the meeting, the delegates from companies presented feedback and suggestions on common principles and focuses of cooperation between enterprises and NTVC, modules to be implemented as in-company training; preparation of in-company training plans, selection and training  in-company trainers and mechanism for exchanging information between enterprises and teaching staff. “I am very impressed with the cooperative training programme which is being implemented by NTVC according to German standards. It would bring many benefits to the company. In-company training will save a lot of time for enterprise to keep students working after their graduation”, said Mr. Vu Van Van – CEO of Otanics Technology JSC.

Finally, all participants agreed on the member positions of the two-level of IAB (management and implementation levels) and the topics for the next meeting included detailed implementation plan for in-company training, coordination mechanisms and its specific activities.

The establishment of Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for Mechatronics at NTVC marks an important milestone of efforts to ensure the effective, in-depth, and close cooperation between NTVC and its partner enterprises in the implementation of Mechatronics training programme according to German standards.