Enhancing digital literacy for TVET teachers and staff

Digital transformation (DX) creates new challenges, it also brings in huge opportunities for TVET managers, staff, and teachers to innovate and improve the effectiveness of their work performance. To initiate DX, TVET personnel need to master modern technologies by adapting digital tools and digital platforms to their management activities and teaching practices. In this line, Programme Reform of TVET in Vietnam has initiated a professional development webinar series (online seminars, workshops, and training) which aims to contribute to the improvement of digital literacy for teachers and staff of TVET partners.

The webinar series covers a wide range of relevant topics based on survey results. Events mainly focuses on sharing knowledge, hand-on experiences, best practices, innovative ideas, new technologies with managers, teachers and staff from DVET and 11 partner TVET colleges. Since the beginning of June, four webinars have been organized. Starting with the technical exchanges on the establishment and operation of an e-learning room/studio on June 8, 2021, the first webinar welcomed 40 participants from TVET partners. Following the success of the first event, the second workshop was held on June 25, 2021 for nearly 200 participants. It keyed on introducing the Atingi – a free learning management system (LMS) developed and offered by GIZ. On July 8, 2021, an intensive training in administrating the Atingi platform was held to further support 30 multipliers of DVET and TVET colleges. The Webinar No. 4, which attracted nearly 90 participants on July 17, 2021, discussed potential opportunities to adopt the 3D simulation technology on the Second Life Platform for TVET education. 

Apart from high profile experts like Prof. Ho Tu Bao, Dr. Nguyen Nhat Quang, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, participants have the opportunities to learn from GIZ’s experts such as Dr. Christian Hoffmann – Digital Ambassador, and TVET college’s experts such as Mr. Bui Quang Khai from Nha Trang College of Technology, Mr. Nguyen Duc Tai from An Giang Vocational College, those who own strong expertise and practical experience in the fields.

The Webinar series will continue with the following topics: 

Topic Expert Timeline 
Fact-finding results of the status of DX in TVET Prof. Ho Tu Bao Dr. Nguyen Nhat Quang 29 July 2021 
Training in Atingi for core teachers Dr. Christian Hoffman 03 August 2021 
Organizing online learning assessment during COVID time Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Vu 07 August 2021 
The application of AI tools to enhance working and teaching performance Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Vu 21 August 2021 

The TVET Programme plans to create a community of change actors who are key managers and multipliers engaged in  e-learning activities from DVET and 11 TVET colleges. We hope to support capacity development, while strengthening a professional network for a long run. 

Further information of each event can be found HERE