Analysing TVET graduates’ feedback and employability to improve the quality of training offers

“The training provided me with comprehensive data analysis and report writing techniques to complete a tracer study report. It helps our TVET institute to improve our training quality to better meet the requirements of trainees and business sector”, said Mr Le Quoc Thanh, Head of Department of Examination and VET quality accreditation, Hanoi Tourism College. He is one of 51 participants from TVET institutes across the country that attended the advanced training course “In-depth data analysis and writing the report on the results of tracer studies”. The training course was organised in Da Nang Vocational College from 18 to 20 July 2018.

Tracer studies are an important quality assurance tool to monitor and evaluate the outcomes of vocational training offers. It provides useful information about TVET graduates’ employability and employment outcomes, such as their current employment status and perception about the quality and relevance of training.

From March to June 2018, after the basic training on the implementation and method of tracer studies, 20 TVET institutes successfully collected employment data among approximately more than 4500 trainees. Attending this advanced training course, participants shared lessons learnt during the implementation of tracer studies and discussed measures to stimulate the process. For example, mobilising human resources to conduct surveys, taking advantage of social networks to reach out to TVET graduates.

Most importantly, by practicing with the collected data, participants acquired in-depth data analysis techniques from merging and cleaning data, analysing variables from the survey questionnaire to elaborating a concise report on the results of tracer studies according to the report structure. Tracer study reports will be developed and completed by the trained participants after the training course and submitted to the management of respective TVET institutes, providing them with useful inputs to improve training quality based on the graduates’ feedback.

At the closing ceremony, Dr Pham Vu Quoc Binh, Director of the Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Agency (VETA), emphasised the need for trained participants to ensure the sustainability of this effective tool. First, each participant could develop a concrete plan to use tracer studies for quality assurance at their TVET institute. Second, participants should impart acquired knowledge on tracer studies from GIZ courses to other staff. Third, they could use tracer study results to support their institutes’ daily management activities, such as curriculum development, admission, evaluation of students.

The training course was facilitated by six multipliers from TVET institutes who had been trained on tracer study and enterprise survey methods in the first cooperation phase with VETA in 2015. By preparing and conducting training sessions, and supporting the completion of the reports, these multipliers/trainers could improve their technical and pedagogical skills, thereby assisting DVET to disseminate the instrument on system level in the future.

This activity is held within the component “Policy Advice and System Reform” as part of the Vietnamese-German “Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam”. The programme is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).