Capacity building for training staff of Viet Nam’s first ever Center of Excellence for TVET

Under the frame of the project “Centre of Excellence for TVET – LILAMA2” – an activity field of the Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is co-operating closely with General Directorate of Vocational Training and LILAMA2 Technical and Technology College in the development of its operational plan including a concept on “management and technical capacity building” for staff of the LILAMA2 College. This is one of the core areas of activity in the Project Detailed Outline (PDO) approved by the Vietnamese Prime Minister for building LILAMA2 Technical and Technology College as a model Centre of Excellence for TVET, the first one ever in Viet Nam.

German expert instructing teachers in preparing practical materials and tools for the exercise “Wire bending and Terminal clamping”

Based on the concept of the technical capacity building for teachers/instructors of the College, from 21st to 31st July 2014, a training course on “Basic electrotechnics for metal technology teachers/instructors” was organized with the aim of providing necessary electrotechnic competences for teachers/instructors working metal technology, especially Health and Safety, Environmental Regulations, Protective Measures, Protective Systems as well as electrical simple trouble shooting when working with mechanical machines and equipment using supply network.

The course was organised at LILAMA2 College with the professional instructions of the German and Vietnamese experts as well as supports from multipliers who have been trained in the frame of PVT2008. Eight metal technology teachers/ instructors were able to attend. These teachers/instructors are ones who work with and operate mechanical machines and equipment in their daily work.

Participating teacher/ instructor installing a light circuit on the metal sheet with holes (installation board)

At the end of the training course, every participant was assessed against the criterions of German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). It was also proposed that the teachers/instructors start to apply the gained knowledge and skills on the above-training contents in their training of students at metal technology workshops, in order to conduct practice-oriented training on high quality at Lilama2 Technical and Technology College towards reaching international training standards.

In the future, these teachers/instructors will have the opportunity to attend further training on metal technology from the fundamental to advanced levels as defined in the related capacity building concept.